Ultrasound Inspection

19,000+ Bikes Evaluated

Finding Your
Frame's Hidden Secrets

We pioneered the use of ultrasound technology for carbon fiber bike frames in North America and have been inspecting bike and aerospace components for over a decade. We have continually refined our process and have become internationally recognized as a leader in ultrasound inspection.

If your frame has hidden damage, we’ll find it.

Inspection Composite

Inspection Options​

Using advanced inspection equipment, our certified ultrasound technicians will carefully inspect the entire frame for hidden damages. A written Inspection Summary is included with every full inspection.

Carbon Fiber Inspection

Found a suspicious mark on your frame? A spot ultrasound inspection will allow us to see below the surface and tell us if the area is structurally sound, removing the guesswork.​

Full Inspection

Even if your frame shows no visible signs of damage, a serious incident such as a significant fall, an incident involving a motor vehicle, or a failure of your car’s bike rack can compromise the structural integrity of your frame.​

Wondering if your frame has hidden damage? Start the process.​​